Exchange money globally for less than 10 second.
WiseExchange, is a modern platform that serve you a real-time exchange rate and converting worldwide currencies within just few click and a very fast transaction and used by over 13M user globally.

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All you need to do business worldwide!
WiseExchange is the cheap and easy way to run your business in multiple currencies or enter new markets.
- Save on international exchange
- Instant international exchange
- Low, transparent FX fees
- Easy and convenient
Safeguarded from the start
From the moment your money enters our system it’s safeguarded. That means it’s held with major names like Barclays and JP Morgan Chase, and we’ll never use it to run our business — that’s regulation.
Rock-solid technology
Super smart Wisers have built our industry-leading security systems from scratch over the last 14 years.
People who care, 24/7
With over 1,000 anti-fraud specialists, and real human help available every minute, we’re on hand when you’ve got questions.
Your money, not ours
Your money is safeguarded, and held completely separate from ours, so it’s available to you all the time.
Real time notifications
Know exactly what you’ve spent and when.
Biometrics and encryption
Using your phone’s in-built tech to boost your protection.
Customisable controls
Hide your balances, location permissions and auto log-out.
Make your money work worldwide, for less. 160 countries. 40 currencies.
Wise is regulated by local authorities around the world. Wise is a Money Service Business (“MSB”“) registered with FinCen, not an FDIC-insured bank. It is authorized to operate as a MSB in most states. In other states, the MSB program is sponsored by Community Federal Savings Bank, to which we’re a service provider. The Wise Multi-Currency Card Program is issued by Wise’s sponsor Bank(s)*, member(s) FDIC. pursuant to licensing by Visa® U.S.A. Inc. The Wise Multi-Currency Card is available to eligible consumers and commercial entities. Not available in all countries. Fees vary based on type of transaction.